Friday, 13 March 2009

The onward surge of Groupthink!!!!!!

In the wake of Nerds FC's 10-2 loss to Dirka Dirka on Monday night, Groupthink FC had to suffer one of the great sporting catastrophies to miss out. Lets face it, not even the emos of Target Practice has let through 26 goals in a game, even to our opponents last night, Purple Cobras - a team of fit, young snotty-nosed private school brats and one old bald guy (we too have one old bald guy - we have him as our keeper).* Unlike most teams in our divison, they can shoot, pass and can do arsehole-tricky things with the ball without making a right screw up of it. In the four games we have played them earlier in the season they have not only hung, drawn and quartered us, but have also par-boiled our remains and sent the heads and quarters out to be displayed in all parts of the country.

Would it be any different this time (The reader of this blog wouldn't be asking)?

Frankly, not quite....

The game had the potential of being quite ugly at half-time when the score was 6-0 the snotty-nosed brats way. But the mighty Groupthink FC never gave up the white flag and fought it out to the strange final siren they have there at the indoor sports centre. Some brilliant play from your humble poster set up Scott who put through one of the most easiest goals ever kicked in indoor soccer to put the Thinkers on the board. Later in the half, your humble match-report writer showed his class and kicked Groupthink's second. And finally Roger Rogenous kicked a goal that reminded me of this gem by Andrew Bews:

In the end we ended up having a (semi-) creditable 12-3 defeat, outscoring the Purple Cobras 2-1 in the last five minutes.

Therefore the Nerds miss out and the Mighty Groupthink FC - aiming to achieve the overthrow of bourgeois society through the medium of indoor soccer under the leadership of Chairman Jeremy - takes another long stride for the proletriat!!!

* The emos once conceded 25 goals in a game to Purple Cobras, but then they still managed to score three goals themselves.

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